Saturday, December 14, 2013

African Gaming trucks

Thanks to I found this article on gaming in Western Africa. Not many get to experience the use of video games due to poor conditions of the area. Internet just really isn't supported in Western Africa for users to play multi-player games. This is where gaming trucks come and hold gaming events for people to mainly participate in tournaments against each other to have that competitive feeling. Most of the pictures shown on the sight show people locked into the game and not focusing on the photo shoot they were used in. They were feeling like they were in the game and somewhere besides their own life.

This is a really awesome concept which is why I chose this article. To simply drive around to different areas to hold video gaming tournaments to anyone who wants to play. This gives African people a chance to experience something they may not have experienced without the form of technology popping in and out of the area. Not only the African people, but Americans are still in awe from what video game systems can bring to entertainment and I can't even fathom what it would be like never experiencing the same form of entertainment previously. It is an experience that I'm sure they will never forget because they have fun playing with friends or others around them competitively.

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